Dorian Price, Alexis Hejna and Mark Radulich present their Hysteria 2024 TV Show Review! Hysteria! is an American horror-thriller television series created by Matthew Scott Kane. Set during the Satanic panic of the 1980s, a beloved varsity quarterback’s disappearance causes whispers of occult activity and Satanic influence throughout the town. Dylan Campbell, Jordy, and Spud, a trio of outcasts in a struggling heavy metal band called Dethkrunch, decide to capitalize on the town’s sudden interest in the occult by rebranding themselves as a Satanic metal band, which leads to them becoming the targets of the town’s witch hunt.
Peacock’s horror series Hysteria! blends dark humor, supernatural thrills, and a retro look at 1980s “Satanic Panic.” Created by Matthew Scott Kane and David Goodman, this eight-episode series was released on October 18, 2024, with the first episode simulcast on USA Network and Syfy. The storyline revolves around a high school heavy metal band in a small Michigan town that seizes the local Satanic scare to boost its image, only to become embroiled in a genuine crisis of mysterious disappearances, murders, and supernatural phenomena, creating a charged narrative about generational fears and paranoia. Key casting choices include Julie Bowen, breaking from her Modern Family persona as the protective and edgy Linda Campbell, Anna Camp, and Bruce Campbell, who brings a nostalgic horror presence. Casting young actors as musicians and outcasts required a balance between authenticity and depth, which Kane and Goodman were keen to maintain, especially for the series’ metal and occult themes. Early marketing highlighted the nostalgic thriller appeal with eerie trailers and strategic releases across Peacock and other platforms, drawing both horror fans and those intrigued by the cultural backdrop of Satanic Panic. Production was helmed by executive producers like Jonathan Goldstein and Jordan Vogt-Roberts, with the latter directing episodes that bookend the season. Critical responses have praised the series for its blend of humor, horror, and social commentary, securing an approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes and reflecting Peacock’s broader strategy to attract diverse audiences
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Hell of a town. Hysteria 2024 TV Show Review
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Mark Radulich and Co. discuss big television series on a semi-regular basis. They might talk about a show from the past. Then, there’s also the chance a show from the present appears too. You never really know what’s the topic of conversation. Regardless, Winfree and Radulich dive deep into it. They discuss series themes. The overall impact. Of course, they give their opinions on whether it is worth watching as well.
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About Radulich in Broadcasting’s Beginnings
Mark Radulich has been an internet personality since 2004 with his Progressive Conservatism blog. He then took that blog to the airwaves and created a podcast for it. It then changed to PC Live. After that, he brought out the 411mania Ground and Pound Radio as well.
Also, Mark would partner up with another 411mania alum, Sean Comer, to create the movie franchise review podcast Long Road to Ruin and then Robert Cooper to create the metal album review podcast, The Metal Hammer of Doom. Robert Winfree then added his own podcast, Everybody Loves a Bad Guy. That’s when the Radulich in Broadcasting Network was born. Joining Winfree in having their own podcasts were super fans Jesse Starcher (Source Material). Finally, Winfree and Radulich added a weekly movie review show to the ever-growing lists of podcasts on the Network called Damn You Hollywood.