After four weeks away, the SCU Show is back! What does he feel the problem is with the New York Giants? Is college football better than the NFL, and explains why that is.
Paul Jackiewicz, owner of Blogging Big Blue and editor of the Toro Times is back! Does he agree with SCU on who’s to blame on the Giants 0-2 start? Why hasn’t Manning used Brandon Marshall as much as he should have? Kyrie Irving told First Take he could win a championship without Lebron. SCU explains why that won’t happen.
The SCU Show: Examining New York Giants Woes
You can also listen to any W2M Network podcast on W2Mnet.com, or by subscribing to SCU Show, or the W2M Network on I-Tunes, Stitcher, Tune-In Radio, Google Play, Youtube or anyone else there are podcasts.
About The SCU Show
Stephen Ur III, known as SCU on the show, hosts many different podcasts on the W2M Network. He decided to start a new podcast in which, he gives his hottest takes on the biggest things in sports. SCU is joined by multiple guests to discuss the topics. He gives his opinions on during that show, as well. Every Tuesday, The SCU Show is the newest, hottest sports podcast you’ll want to listen to!
Stephen Ur III
The SCU Show is the newest latest and hottest sports podcast out there! Join SCU (@writingfanatic2) as he gives his opinion on the hottest topics going on around the sports world every week. Guests come on to join to have discussion and debate, as well!