
GCW Josh Barnetts Bloodsport 2 Alternative Commentary

GCW Josh Barnetts Bloodsport 2 Alternative Commentary

Pat Mullin and Mark Radulich provide GCW Josh Barnetts Bloodsport 2 Alternative Commentary!

GCW Bloodsport is a professional wrestling event held by the American promotion Game Changer Wrestling (GCW). This event consists of a unique ruleset compared to a traditional pro wrestling event, in that every match must end in either a knockout or submission. The traditional wrestling ring is replaced by a ring canvas with no ropes or turnbuckles.

This event features worked shoot matches in a style that mimics the early days of MMA and catch wrestling. It is common for Bloodsport competitors to have some knowledge in other combat sports and/or MMA, as well as professional wrestling, as these one on one matches often appear stiff and have a feel of a classic Shoot-style wrestling fights.

Josh Barnett’s Bloodsport 2 took place on September 14, 2019, at The Showboat in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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Josh Barnett takes on Chris Dickinson in the main event; GCW Josh Barnetts Bloodsport 2 Alternative Commentary

About Alternative Commentaries

Whether it is the entire Radulich Family, other members of the Radulich in Broadcasting team, or just anyone, we all have thoughts on something. This is the essence of doing alternative commentaries. Doing something off the cuff, giving those visceral reactions to something you are watching as it airs, instead of having hours to think and compose your thoughts. It is a way get a different look at something that’s already had a review. We’ve provided commentary’s for individual sporting event, wrestling matches, trailers, and more.

About Radulich in Broadcasting’s Beginnings

Mark Radulich has been an internet personality since 2004 with his Progressive Conservatism blog. He then took that blog to the airwaves and created a podcast for it. It then changed to PC Live. After that, he brought out the 411mania Ground and Pound Radio as well.

Also, Mark would partner up with another 411mania alum, Sean Comer, to create the movie franchise review podcast Long Road to Ruin and then Robert Cooper to create the metal album review podcast, The Metal Hammer of Doom. Robert Winfree took over the MMA show and then added his own podcast, Everybody Loves a Bad Guy. That’s when the Radulich in Broadcasting Network was born. Joining Winfree in having their own podcasts were super fan’s Jesse Starcher (Source Material). Finally, Winfree and Radulich added a weekly movie review show to the ever-growing lists of podcasts on the Network.

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