
Wrestling Unwrapped: WWE Survivor Series 1997 Review

As WU approaches it’s 50th episode, we though about what we could cover for a mommy is occasion. So, we looked in the calendar and realized that a MAJOR anniversary was approaching. One that would change wrestling. So join WU as our 50th episode revolves around… the 1997 Survivor Series.

The main event needs no introduction… Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart. It’s one of the most controversial moments of all time. However, getting to it is whole other story. We’ll talk about everything we can that went into the match that dawned the attitude era.

And, of course, stick around for the big finish, with the best and worst matches of the show. It’s a night that lives in infamy, and we celebrate it’s 20th anniversary, as WU talks about the 1997 Survivor Series and the Montreal Screwjob.

Wrestling Unwrapped: WWE Survivor Series 1997 Review

About Wrestling Unwrapped

This is what happens when two guys who collect wrestling DVDs and love to talk, get together to talk about wrestling DVDs. The results are rarely pretty. Patrick rarely shuts up, and Harry is full of one liners. This leads to constant badgering about the best and worst in wrestling.

Patrick Ketza

Growing up in Chicago, Patrick has never been away from wrestling. From WWE, ROH, AAW, SHIMMER, and everything in between, he’s had at least a taste of everything. More into the Chicago indie circuit, following SHIMMER and AAW, Patrick still never shies away from making his opinions heard to all who will listen. Patrick also serves as the W2Mnet Wrestling Senior Editor and helps organize things in the section.

Harry Broadhurst

Harry Broadhurst is a product of Youngstown, Ohio. He started watching wrestling at the age of six and attended his first live event at the age of nine. Harry’s been obsessed with this psuedosport every since. He also enjoys long walks on the beach and busting Patrick Ketza’s stones on Wrestling Unwrapped.

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