In video captured by a fellow W2Mnet staff member Angel Gonzalez at the July 6 River City Wrestling event in Kirby, Texas, Taeler Hendrix is shown shouting at fans about a very real subject matter.
River City Wrestling July 6 event: Taeler Hendrix Shouts at Fans
Hendrix is alluding to a once-private issue, made public by Hendrix herself on July 4, 2018. Responding to a fan’s tweet in regards to a stable named the House of Truth, which Hendrix was a part of in Ring of Honor, Hendrix accuses her stablemate, Jay Lethal of sabotaging her because she didn’t sleep with him. During this period, Lethal was both ROH World Television Champion and World Champion, occupying a very high position within the company.
also the dude your standing up for is the same dude that told me because I didn't sleep with him they sabotaged me and took me off TV. that being the all mighty Jay.
— Taeler Hendrix (@Taeler_Hendrix) July 4, 2018
Prior to her scheduled match with Barbi Hayden, Hendrix tells the fans they are “standing up for sexism.” They are doing this by chanting “Jay Lethal,” “ROH,” and “Red Machismo” at her, which is not heard in the video, but is what prompted the promo from Hendrix according to Angel.
In another tweet from later on July 4, Hendrix says that she had addressed the situation privately in the past. But now she wanted to speak out publically to avoid being part of the problem. Furthermore, Hendrix released a statement revealing she’s hired attorneys to pursue the issue.
“attorneys on my behalf have an ongoing investigation. I know I’m not the only one & ppl that have known of this investigation have been supportive. I’ll continue to fight for what’s right.”
Jay Lethal has not said anything publically on the matter. However, he did retweet a tweet from F4W Online‘s Bryan Alvarez providing facts about Hendrix’s contract status with ROH during her House of Truth run.
We will have more on this later but according to ROH, Taeler Hendrix was never fired. She was not under contract, was working on a per-show basis, and was booked for events in April 2017, but then resigned in writing prior to those events.
— Bryan Alvarez (@bryanalvarez) July 7, 2018
Ring of Honor Also Getting Involved?
Ring of Honor has also issued a statement provided through a representative to PW Torch that they are doing their own investigation on the allegations.
“We were troubled to hear the allegations that surfaced last night on Twitter. We take these matters very seriously and will be investigating this situation thoroughly, reviewing all evidence related to the matter. Ring of Honor strives to provide an environment and workplace where male and female wrestlers are free from any misconduct or abuse. We will take appropriate action upon the conclusion of our findings.”
Hendrix worked in ROH as a performer and valet from 2015-2017.