Set in war-torn Sengoku era Japan and starring an English pirate named William, is an Action RPG that borrows some from Dark Souls, but also paves its own path. Stephanie Diaz has the Nioh Review.
A game that takes you back to the NES days and hits all the high points of that era. Randy Isbelle explains in this Alwa’s Awakening Review.
In our first combo review, Sean Garmer & Stephanie Diaz have thoughts on the latest in the Fate Series debuting on PS4 & PS VIta in a Fate/Extella Review.
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 does exactly what its title indicates. Giving fans the story up to this point, a sneak peek at future gameplay, and a history lesson too.
An indie horror game that grows the story through multiple playthroughs. Certainly not something you see in games every day. Stephanie Diaz discusses her enjoyment of the game, in this Uncanny Valley Review.
A 2D Platformer that marvels at every turn. This is in essence, Splasher. Aaron Fritz tells you why its one of the best out there in this Splasher Review.
Koei Tecmo and Omega Force decided to go with a Strategy Game for the latest in the series. Stephanie Diaz has the Dynasty Warriors Godseekers Review
A Puzzle game for Xbox One where you kill someone in different ways. Welcome to what Real Life Gamer Daniel Anderson played in this Kill the Bad Guy Review
Linelight is a unique Indie puzzle game that uses light mazes to create inventive ways to solve its puzzles. Aaron Fritz has the Linelight Review.
Arc System Works recreates the style for this Double Dragon sequel on PS4 and PC, but fails in making it fun. Aaron Fritz has the Double Dragon IV Review.